Tuesday 3 March 2015

Magazine content.

Magazine genre : Sports.

Name : futbolĂ­stico.


Logo :

                                                                (Font – Agency fc)

Reference : World Soccer Magazine.

Front cover:

                                         (World soccer magazine front cover)

The title of my main story would be something like ‘A new talent in town’
it would be about a talented boy who wants to be a professional footballer.
His dream is to play for Real Madrid (football club) and meet Cristiano Ronaldo.
There would be few lines about this article on the front cover.

Other than that there would news about the current football world.
There would be information about the current position of the football leagues
(mainly la liga,champions league and premier league)
Bits related to Leonel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo or other big footballers.

Content page:

Content page will include all the information about the stories and articles that are included in the magazine issue and where the audience can find these articles in the magazine.

Double page spread :

Double page spread will include the main story/article which is something like

‘A new talent in town’.
The article will start with a huge picture of the person (with little text on the bottom of it) then on the next page there will be a lot of text and small picture of that person that will tell his story/Dreams.

This main story will take about 5-6  pages.