Saturday 15 November 2014

Re-Creating a movie poster.

We were asked to chose a real movie poster and re-create it by ourselves


-Faiz Ali
-Jumana Mehdi.
-Shariq Saeed.
-Mueed Qurashi.
-Eeman Masood.

Movie Poster:
-The breakfast club.

-Canon 600D.

-Faiz Ali.


Behind the scenes:

Faiz Ali

Jumana Mehdi

Shariq Saeed

Mueed Qurashi

Eeman Masood


Final Picture:

Final Movie Poster:

Wednesday 5 November 2014


We were asked to create a poster representing yourself.

I chose the title of my poster 'Alive' because i think it describes me very well in a sense than i observe things more frequently and for longer period than others.
I chose 'blue' as the primary colour of my poster because i think blue symbolises 'water' which represents 'Life' thus to experience life you have to be 'Alive'.

(During process)-1

(During process)-2 

(During process)-3

Final poster

Monday 27 October 2014

Magazine analysis

We were asked to Analise 2-3 magazines.
(Just their front cover,content page and double page spread)

                                                               (2nd magazine)

Wednesday 8 October 2014


The main task of the front page, contents double page spread all images and the texts used must be original. The software we will be using will be illustrator, Photoshop and in-design.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Serif & Sans-Serif fonts.

We were asked to make a presentation about 'Serif and Sans-Serif fonts'


Saturday 20 September 2014



The shaping of texts' meanings by other texts.

Notion introduced by Julia Kristeva,

Kristeva argued against the concept of a text as a isolated entity which operates in a self-contained manner and states that any text is the absorption and transformation of another
Every text (and we can insert any cultural object here: image, film, web content, music etc.) is a mosaic of references to other texts, genres, and discourses.

Thursday 18 September 2014



The appearance of being true or real.
Verisimilitude,in a narrow sense,is the likeness or semblance of a narrative to reality,or to the truth.It comes from latin; verum meaning truth and similis meaning similar. In a broader sense, verisimilitude refers to the believability of a narrative—the extent to which a narrative appears realistic, likely, or plausible (regardless of whether it is actually fictional or nonfictional)

Camera shots.

We were asked to take pictures using different types of shots,angles,focus etc and post them.

Close up Shot.
Extreme Close up shot.

Extreme Close up Shot (2)

Two shot.

Two shot. (2)

Two shot. (3)
Multi Shot.
Point of view - (POV) shot

Point of view - (POV) shot -2

Low angle shot

Low angle shot - 2

Over the shoulder shot. Close focus

Over the shoulder shot. - 2 Far focus

Monday 8 September 2014

Why i chose ''Media Studies''

We were asked to write about the reason for choosing media studies.

Ever since i was a kid i was really fascinated by films so since then i knew that i want to so something related to that when i grow up.
Even from the age of 10' i started making videos even by using mobile video cameras and as everyone knows those cameras were really bad at that time but it didn't stop me from creating something Awesome!

-This is me a year ago doing what i love.